No Single-provider Mother in Israel Left Behind pesach 2025 that begins in


Bring the joy of Pesach to single-provider mothers and their children in Israel again this year.

Kimcha D'pischa 2020 for Israel Single Provider Mothers

Kimcha D’pischa Charity Before Pesach Is Our Communal Obligation

“One is obligated to feed the stranger, orphan, widow, and other poor and unfortunate people before the festivals.” — Rambam

“Kimcha D’pischa takes precedence over other tzedakah before Pesach.” — The Chofetz Chaim

“Single mothers deserve special consideration, because they carry the double burden of earning a livelihood while caring for their children and the poor of Eretz Yisrael have the status of the poor of your own city.” — Rabbi Ovadia Yosef


Your Support is Needed Now More Than Ever! We're only 26% Toward Our Goal—Please Help Us Reach 100%